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Silver Talk

Silver Talk is our free telephone befriending service

It gives people the opportunity to connect for regular, social telephone chats

The service is for customers aged 50 and over.

They will get a call from our friendly, fully trained volunteers for an up to 30-minute chat at the same time each week.

Silver Talk is ideal for those who:

  • May feel lonely at times
  • Are able to communicate over the phone

Silver Friends

We also run Silver Friends, a community group hosting events and activities for people aged 50+ in the north of County Durham.

If you're interested in joining us and want to find out more, please call us on 0191 223 8662 or email

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s a quick and easy process to get signed up with Silver Talk, all we ask is that new service users complete an introductory application forms. One of our service managers will be in touch to complete the form over the phone. It will ask for a few details about health and hobbies and interests, so that we can match volunteers and users appropriately.

We will also ask for an emergency contact number, in case we are unable to get in touch with you and there is cause for concern.

All that we ask from users is that they let us know if they’re unavailable at their designated time that week, and that they are respectful to our volunteers.

You will then be matched with one of our trained volunteers, who will phone you on a weekly basis, at a set time that is convenient to you, for a social chat which can last up to 30 minutes.

It is completely up to the service user what is talked about on each call, and it can last the whole 30 minutes or last just five minutes, but what we can guarantee is that our Silver Talk volunteers will provide users with both friendship and lots of information about services and activities that could benefit them.

You can contact us and we’ll get someone to give you a call about the person you would like to receive the service.

New users often join Silver Talk after being referred by someone from within Karbon, such as a housing officer or a scheme manager.

Once referred, the service user will be contacted by a Silver Talk project co-ordinator who will chat about the service and how it may benefit them. They will not be pressured in to joining the service, it is their decision entirely.

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