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At Home with Karbon Spring edition has landed

Hello and welcome to your latest edition of At Home with Karbon.

Spring can be such an uplifting time of the year, with the lighter nights making an appearance and the promise of summer in the air. This positive theme runs throughout this edition, with lots of ideas and information on life-enhancing opportunities.

Over the pages you’ll find out about chances to change your career and fulfil your potential, build your mental health resilience, and spring clean your home without the price tag.

There’s important information too to help you make the most of your Karbon services and to highlight our commitments to you to keep you safe in your home.

Here at Karbon, we believe it’s important for us to hold our hands up and apologise when we haven’t delivered the level of service we aspire to. We’ve been receiving more customer calls than usual and response times on phone lines have been longer than we’d like.

We’re working hard to put in place new arrangements so we can get to your call quicker. We’ve recruited additional advisors to handle calls and we’re busy improving our systems to give you the ability to do more yourself where you want to.

In the meantime, please remember, you can use your MyKarbon online customer account anytime to report and manage repairs, or make payments and check your balance. Details of how to use the account are on the back page.

Now, why not pop the kettle on and settle down to enjoy your magazine?

Ian Johnson,
Executive Director of Customer Services

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