Hello and welcome to your winter edition of At Home with Karbon.
When putting this magazine together, we paid special attention to the cost of living crisis that affects us all.
In this edition you’ll find lots of practical ideas to help ease the strain. From food supply organisations and money advice support to inspiration for holiday treats that come without the price tag.
Our aim for At Home with Karbon is to bring you information that is interesting and helps you get the most from your services. Please let us know if you think we’re achieving that in our survey. We’re always keen to hear your feedback and ideas.
As we draw to the end of the year, I’d also like to thank you for your ongoing patience with longer phone line and repair times you may have experienced in 2022. This isn’t the level of service we want to provide and we’ve been working hard to set up new arrangements and systems. We’ve increased recruitment and have been using contractors where possible, trying to get back on track. I’m pleased to say we have seen a significant drop in the backlog of repairs. We’ve still work to do here but pleased be assured we’re working hard to get to you as soon as we can.
Don’t forget, you can use your MyKarbon online customer account anytime to report and manage repairs, or make payments and check your balance.
Our teams are here for you, if you need us, please get in touch.
Finally, the whole team at Karbon Homes extend warm wishes to you and your loved ones over the festive period.
Ian Johnson,
Executive Director of Customer Services
Hello and welcome to your winter edition of At Home with Karbon.
When putting this magazine together, we paid special attention to the cost of living crisis that affects us all.
In this edition you’ll find lots of practical ideas to help ease the strain. From food supply organisations and money advice support to inspiration for holiday treats that come without the price tag.
Our aim for At Home with Karbon is to bring you information that is interesting and helps you get the most from your services. Please let us know if you think we’re achieving that in our survey. We’re always keen to hear your feedback and ideas.
As we draw to the end of the year, I’d also like to thank you for your ongoing patience with longer phone line and repair times you may have experienced in 2022. This isn’t the level of service we want to provide and we’ve been working hard to set up new arrangements and systems. We’ve increased recruitment and have been using contractors where possible, trying to get back on track. I’m pleased to say we have seen a significant drop in the backlog of repairs. We’ve still work to do here but pleased be assured we’re working hard to get to you as soon as we can.
Don’t forget, you can use your MyKarbon online customer account anytime to report and manage repairs, or make payments and check your balance.
Our teams are here for you, if you need us, please get in touch.
Finally, the whole team at Karbon Homes extend warm wishes to you and your loved ones over the festive period.
Ian Johnson,
Executive Director of Customer Services
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