A much-needed support service is one step closer to returning to to Derwentside thanks to Karbon’s Unlocking Social Value programme.
PACT House in Stanley, is taking over the running of the former Derwentside Mind community hub on High Street in Stanley, bringing much needed mental health support and services back to the area after the facilities closure in September of last year.
With the support of Karbon Homes, the team at PACT House is taking essential steps to get the hub building up to the necessary standard.
Karbon Homes contactor, RE:GEN Group has donated both time and resources to the project, as part of their social value commitment to the housing association.
Stacey Dobson, Karbon Homes’ Community Connector covering the Stanley area, said: “Karbon and PACT House have developed a strong relationship over the years and on hearing that support was needed to get the High Street Hub up to a standard needed to reopen we were keen to help.
“Through our Unlocking Social Value programme we are able to use the social value commitments our suppliers and contractors make to support community projects and services. Thanks to the generosity of RE:GEN, PACT House haa been able to direct funding away from facilities maintenance and put it towards developing and sustaining the service.”
The Gateshead based construction firm, previously known as JTL Construction Ltd, has replaced outdated fuse boxes, all the interior fluorescent lighting and exterior security lighting, areas of flooring and donated paint and decorating equipment so the team can improve the aesthetics of the reception and main lounge areas.
RE:GEN Group Director, Paul Flannigan, said: “Due to the current conditions brought by the pandemic, we haven’t been able to support community in the ways we usually would, such as sponsorships of local sports teams or fundraisers, so when the opportunity came up to support a project through donation of equipment and our skills as a business, I jumped at it.
“I wanted to do something to help as it’s important to me that as a business we give back, when and however we can, to the communities within which we work and I want the business to grow with that ethos close to the centre. RE:GEN’s colleagues share these values and really enjoyed working on the project, telling me they’re looking forward to getting involved with the next opportunity that comes up.
“I’m really grateful to Karbon for giving us the chance to be involved in this and I hope that this is the start of a great relationship between RE:GEN and PACT House.”
Karbon is committed to Unlocking Social Value through as much of our procurement activity as is possible. However big or small, the commitments from our contractors and suppliers make a huge difference to the lives of our customers.
Darren McMahon from PACT House added: “We are really grateful to both Karbon Homes and RE:GEN for the support on our journey to get this service back up and running. We’re passionate about the future of this facility and our hopes and dreams are that one day we can expand it to other areas of Derwentside and provide support to more and more people.”
A much-needed support service is one step closer to returning to to Derwentside thanks to Karbon’s Unlocking Social Value programme.
PACT House in Stanley, is taking over the running of the former Derwentside Mind community hub on High Street in Stanley, bringing much needed mental health support and services back to the area after the facilities closure in September of last year.
With the support of Karbon Homes, the team at PACT House is taking essential steps to get the hub building up to the necessary standard.
Karbon Homes contactor, RE:GEN Group has donated both time and resources to the project, as part of their social value commitment to the housing association.
Stacey Dobson, Karbon Homes’ Community Connector covering the Stanley area, said: “Karbon and PACT House have developed a strong relationship over the years and on hearing that support was needed to get the High Street Hub up to a standard needed to reopen we were keen to help.
“Through our Unlocking Social Value programme we are able to use the social value commitments our suppliers and contractors make to support community projects and services. Thanks to the generosity of RE:GEN, PACT House haa been able to direct funding away from facilities maintenance and put it towards developing and sustaining the service.”
The Gateshead based construction firm, previously known as JTL Construction Ltd, has replaced outdated fuse boxes, all the interior fluorescent lighting and exterior security lighting, areas of flooring and donated paint and decorating equipment so the team can improve the aesthetics of the reception and main lounge areas.
RE:GEN Group Director, Paul Flannigan, said: “Due to the current conditions brought by the pandemic, we haven’t been able to support community in the ways we usually would, such as sponsorships of local sports teams or fundraisers, so when the opportunity came up to support a project through donation of equipment and our skills as a business, I jumped at it.
“I wanted to do something to help as it’s important to me that as a business we give back, when and however we can, to the communities within which we work and I want the business to grow with that ethos close to the centre. RE:GEN’s colleagues share these values and really enjoyed working on the project, telling me they’re looking forward to getting involved with the next opportunity that comes up.
“I’m really grateful to Karbon for giving us the chance to be involved in this and I hope that this is the start of a great relationship between RE:GEN and PACT House.”
Karbon is committed to Unlocking Social Value through as much of our procurement activity as is possible. However big or small, the commitments from our contractors and suppliers make a huge difference to the lives of our customers.
Darren McMahon from PACT House added: “We are really grateful to both Karbon Homes and RE:GEN for the support on our journey to get this service back up and running. We’re passionate about the future of this facility and our hopes and dreams are that one day we can expand it to other areas of Derwentside and provide support to more and more people.”
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