It’s the main way in which we can give customers the best service and adapt for the future.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved so far. Anyone wanting to have their say in future workshops or feedback opportunities can email
Take a look at what's to come:
- Resident Involvement Group to review complaint handling from specific customer complaint examples, to help Karbon identify learning opportunities or successful handling for future complaint management.
- Customer advocacy opportunities in complaints. The Resident Involvement Group have all volunteered separately to act as customer advocates for customers who feel they could use some independent, peer support in raising a complaint.
- Series of customer focus groups to comment on house types and home specifications, and handover and defects process for new builds.
All the ways in which customers have already inputted into our ever-evolving service in the past year:
- Resident Involvement Group carried out scrutiny review of our repairs call handling.
- Consultation workshops with customers to look at ways in which we can refresh our strategy so that the overall objectives we strive to are in line with our customers' wants.
- Almost 500 customers gave us their views on our 'Customer Priorities' in a survey to understand what is important to customers and how we are performing.
- Grants panel made of involved customers regularly review grant applications for community investments to decide what groups are most in need of financial support from Karbon and will have the biggest impact in our communities.
- Resident Involvement group reviewed our performance in our Complaints and Customer Satisfaction Score Reports.
- Around 300 customers share their views every month in our Customer Satisfaction Surveys.
- Resident Strategic group attended National Customer Service Week events to help understand what residents want from good customer service and how we can overcome common issues.
- MyKarbon customers surveyed to provide feedback on the recent MyKarbon account developments.
- Resident Strategic group involved in estate walkabouts accompanying Karbon colleagues out on visits to talk to customers, understand their views and feed this back into Karbon.
- A focus group of customers reviewed our standard kitchen design and supplies to suggest improvements in style and equipment which have shaped our kitchen designs.
- Empty home inspections by customers to ensure homes were of lettable standard and suggest improvements to our range of empty homes.
It’s the main way in which we can give customers the best service and adapt for the future.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved so far. Anyone wanting to have their say in future workshops or feedback opportunities can email
Take a look at what's to come:
All the ways in which customers have already inputted into our ever-evolving service in the past year:
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