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Taking a grassroots approach to the environment

With the environment and global warming literally being a hot topic, ensuring we’re doing everything we can to create a sustainable environment for current and future generations is extremely important.

To mark Earth Day 2024, we spoke to two members of our Customer Environment Group, Jaci McGinty from Sunderland and Sue Gittins from Hexham, to find out more about the group and why they got involved.

Jaci: "The Customer Environment Group is chance for us to have a voice and opinion on the work Karbon is doing to make homes more energy efficient and balance the amount of greenhouse gas emissions they are using."

Sue: "The forum allows us to meet the people who are working on these environmental aims and express our ideas and personal perspectives to see whether we think they will benefit customers."

Jaci: "We can give a grassroots perspective, rather than a business perspective, and be listened to by people who are directly working in these areas. There’s a good social aspect to it, too, we get to meet new people and feel involved."

Sue: "I’ve been into environmental issues for a while now, and it’s good to be able to meet other customers and specialists in the area to share knowledge and demystify some of the more technical aspects."

Jaci: "We also get to visit different areas and look at the upgrades they’ve made so we get a better understanding of what’s going on. We can also highlight any problems in our areas and look at solutions, like making better use of our green areas."

Sue: "It can be hard for people to feel that the environment is relevant, especially when there are so many other issues going on. I think this group gives a better perspective. Caring for the environment is a very important part of our lives - we need to tackle things like food poverty and the oceans overheating - it’s the legacy for our generation and our children’s generation."

Jaci: "Everything seems back to front at the moment, we don’t seem to have any seasons and it can be very confusing. It’s good to talk to people about these issues and get some more understanding in the confusion."

If you like the sound of our Environment Group and would like to get involved, please get in touch with us at

Key Environmental Terms

Biodiversity - the different kinds of life you'll find in one area— animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms, like bacteria, that make up our natural world.

Carbon neutral - where the amount of carbon released is balanced by the same amount absorbed so there is no additional increase.

Climate change - long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These changes can be natural or due to burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.

Net Zero – a commitment by an organisation to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero compared to a baseline year (for the UK that year is 1990).

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