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First look at new energy efficient homes in Pickering, North Yorkshire

A £3.8m development in Pickering is now complete, offering highly energy efficient affordable homes to the local community. 

The 20 new homes from York Housing Association, developed in partnership with Karbon Homes, have all achieved an EPC rating A, meeting the Government’s outlined ‘Future Homes’ standard of producing 75% less carbon emissions than homes delivered under current regulations. 

Each home boasts a range of energy enhancements to cut emissions and residents’ heating bills, including triple glazing, higher specification insulation and solar panels, and all are powered by air source heat pumps. 

Kate Spencer, Operations Director at York Housing Association, said: “It’s brilliant to see this development of smart, energy efficient new homes finished and ready to hand over to new residents. We know there’s demand in the area for affordable housing and this development will provide options for a whole range of customers. 

The energy efficiency of the finished homes is fantastic and at a time when rising energy prices are pushing more households into fuel poverty, it’s more important than ever to provide homes that help new residents keep their energy bills down.” 

Homes on the newly named Low Pasture Close compromise a mix of two and three-bed houses and one-bed apartments, available for both Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership. 

The development was supported with £968,000 in funding from Homes England and a £250,000 grant from Ryedale District Council. 

Phillip Spurr, Director of Place and Resources for Ryedale District Council said: “We’re delighted that the homes on Low Pasture Close are ready to move into.  

“At a time when citizens in the district are seeing a rise in energy bills, it’s fitting that we’re leading the way by providing homes that are energy efficient and sustainable. That’s been a key commitment in our Council Plan, as well as providing affordable homes fit for our communities.” 

The York-based housing association, a subsidiary of the Karbon group which delivers hundreds of new affordable homes across the North East and Yorkshire each year, worked with local development partner Lindum Group to bring the new homes to fruition. 

The development is also home to several ecological elements including a newt habitat area to the rear of the properties, bird and bat boxes and fencing fitted with hedgehog highways. 

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