In previous editions of Take Five we’ve explained how the way we report how we’re performing to you, our customers, is changing.
The Regulator of Social Housing has introduced Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) to assess all social landlord’s performance through customer surveys.
Our first set of results have now been published. We collected this information from surveying 2,878 customers across the Karbon Group, all picked at random.
We’re pleased to share that the following areas received the highest levels of positive feedback from customers:
Repairs carried out quickly and to a high standard
Customers feeling listened to and respected by Karbon
Customers felt safe in their homes due to regular safety checks
What we’ve learned so far
Whilst most customers are happy with the quality of repairs being carried out, some of you told us that you had been waiting too long for appointments. In response to this feedback, we have recruited additional trade operatives and sub-contractors to reduce wait times.
We recognise that the speed of our repairs service is a top priority for customers. We are already seeing a reduction in the average length of time to complete repairs and would ask for your continued patience whilst we work to further reduce wait times.
Damp, Mould and Condensation
You told us that you are experiencing issues with damp, mould and condensation. We have created a project team who are working hard to tackle the issue and you can find more about our approach on our dedicated area on our website. It also has information about how to report it to us, types of damp and advice and tips to manage damp and mould in your home.
Due to essential maintenance, MyKarbon will be unavailable from Saturday 8 March until Tuesday 11 March.
To report urgent repairs, call us on 0808 164 0111 or email for non-urgent repairs.
During this time, we’re unable to take payments over the phone. You can make payments using your Allpay card at a local Post Office, PayPoint or Payzone outlet, or by using the Allpay app.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you for contacting us
Your message is important to us, we will be in touch shortly.
Thank you for submitting an application for community funding
We will now review your application and endeavour to get back to you with a response as soon as possible.
Thank you for contacting us
A member of the team will get back to you within two business days.
If your message is regarding something urgent, please call 0800 5335 442.
Thank you.
Thank you
Your message is important to us, we will be in touch shortly.
Thank you
Your message is important to us, we will be in touch shortly.
Thank you
Your message is important to us, we will be in touch shortly.
We're sorry to see you go
If you're not happy with the property, we have others which might be more suitable.
In previous editions of Take Five we’ve explained how the way we report how we’re performing to you, our customers, is changing.
The Regulator of Social Housing has introduced Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) to assess all social landlord’s performance through customer surveys.
Our first set of results have now been published. We collected this information from surveying 2,878 customers across the Karbon Group, all picked at random.
We’re pleased to share that the following areas received the highest levels of positive feedback from customers:
Repairs carried out quickly and to a high standard
Customers feeling listened to and respected by Karbon
Customers felt safe in their homes due to regular safety checks
What we’ve learned so far
Whilst most customers are happy with the quality of repairs being carried out, some of you told us that you had been waiting too long for appointments. In response to this feedback, we have recruited additional trade operatives and sub-contractors to reduce wait times.
We recognise that the speed of our repairs service is a top priority for customers. We are already seeing a reduction in the average length of time to complete repairs and would ask for your continued patience whilst we work to further reduce wait times.
Damp, Mould and Condensation
You told us that you are experiencing issues with damp, mould and condensation. We have created a project team who are working hard to tackle the issue and you can find more about our approach on our dedicated area on our website. It also has information about how to report it to us, types of damp and advice and tips to manage damp and mould in your home.
Did you know?
Our MyKarbon portal now lets customers:
report damp and mould issues
upload images for surveyors and book appointments
view detailed inspection reports, including surveyors’ notes
update active inspections with new images.
Our customer TSM surveys will continue, and we’d really appreciate your feedback if you are contacted.
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