Every year employers like Karbon, with more than 250 employees, must publish data to show how much we pay our male and female employees and the difference between those figures – this is known as the gender pay gap.
This is an equality measure that shows the difference in average hourly earnings between women and men.
For 2020 our average (mean) gender pay gap at Karbon was 3.3% which we are proud to say is significantly lower than the national average of 15.5%, though we know there is more we can do.
We feel it is important to be open and honest in reporting our gender pay gap, and this year we need to acknowledge that our mean figure has increased from the last time we reported for 2019, when it was -0.06%, indicating our average earnings for women at that time were slightly ahead of average earnings for men.
We have looked into why this change has occurred, including some bonus payments for our trades staff that have now been phased out, and we will continue working to address the gap and reduce it.
Gender pay gap reporting is a relatively new obligation, introduced in 2017, and designed to foster gender equality in the workplace..
The gender pay gap is different from equal pay. Equal pay deals with the pay differences between
men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs or work of equal value. The Equal Pay Act of 1970 means it’s unlawful to pay people unequally because they are a man or a woman.
Karbon Homes take gender equality and their equality diversity and inclusion responsibilities seriously and recently appointed Di Keller, to lead this.
Di said: “We are proud to publish this information and to play our part in driving change in the workplace.
“We should be at the forefront of this work. What we want to do next is get the new ‘snapshot’ information in April and start working on it straight away, especially where we can see the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“I want Karbon to be leading this for our region. All organisations need to be bold and upfront about addressing their pay gap regardless of what the data shows.
“There is research out there to show that lockdown and the impact of Covid-19 restrictions disproportionately affects women, so that gives us even greater impetus this year to tackle this area of work.
“The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day was ‘Choose to Challenge’ and we should all take that approach to tackle injustice when we find it.”
Every year employers like Karbon, with more than 250 employees, must publish data to show how much we pay our male and female employees and the difference between those figures – this is known as the gender pay gap.
This is an equality measure that shows the difference in average hourly earnings between women and men.
For 2020 our average (mean) gender pay gap at Karbon was 3.3% which we are proud to say is significantly lower than the national average of 15.5%, though we know there is more we can do.
We feel it is important to be open and honest in reporting our gender pay gap, and this year we need to acknowledge that our mean figure has increased from the last time we reported for 2019, when it was -0.06%, indicating our average earnings for women at that time were slightly ahead of average earnings for men.
We have looked into why this change has occurred, including some bonus payments for our trades staff that have now been phased out, and we will continue working to address the gap and reduce it.
Gender pay gap reporting is a relatively new obligation, introduced in 2017, and designed to foster gender equality in the workplace..
The gender pay gap is different from equal pay. Equal pay deals with the pay differences between
men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs or work of equal value. The Equal Pay Act of 1970 means it’s unlawful to pay people unequally because they are a man or a woman.
Karbon Homes take gender equality and their equality diversity and inclusion responsibilities seriously and recently appointed Di Keller, to lead this.
Di said: “We are proud to publish this information and to play our part in driving change in the workplace.
“We should be at the forefront of this work. What we want to do next is get the new ‘snapshot’ information in April and start working on it straight away, especially where we can see the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“I want Karbon to be leading this for our region. All organisations need to be bold and upfront about addressing their pay gap regardless of what the data shows.
“There is research out there to show that lockdown and the impact of Covid-19 restrictions disproportionately affects women, so that gives us even greater impetus this year to tackle this area of work.
“The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day was ‘Choose to Challenge’ and we should all take that approach to tackle injustice when we find it.”
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