Welcome to our Customer Annual Report 2020/21
Each year we publish our customer annual report to ensure our customers are kept up to date on how we’re doing as an organisation.
This latest report, which covers from April 2020 - March 2021 covers a year like no other. As the financial year began and the UK was adjusting to a life in lockdown, no one could have predicted what was to come over the remains 12 months.
Despite the circumstances, we’ve celebrated some great achievements and couldn’t be prouder of the team here at Karbon who’ve shown amazing resilience and worked hard to support our customers.
We would also like to take the opportunity to thank our customers for their support and patience through what has been a difficult time for everyone. We’ve really valued the understanding and cooperation they have shown as we’ve worked through new and ongoing challenges.
Get involved with the production of next year’s Customer Annual Report
Our involved residents play a big part in the production of this report, helping us to make sure that it’s easy to understand and contains information that is both interesting and useful to know.
Whether it’s helping us produce reports like this one, or working with us to improve our homes and neighbourhoods, there are lots of ways customers can get involved with the work we do at Karbon. Page 20-21 of the report shows some of the projects our involved residents have helped with over the last year, and on page 23 you can see what exciting plans we have coming up to provide customers with even more ways to work with us.
If you’re interested in finding out more about how you can get involved, please get in touch with our customer engagement specialists. Email connectwithkarbon@karbonhomes.co.uk or call 0808 164 0111 and ask to speak to a member of the team.
Welcome to our Customer Annual Report 2020/21
Each year we publish our customer annual report to ensure our customers are kept up to date on how we’re doing as an organisation.
This latest report, which covers from April 2020 - March 2021 covers a year like no other. As the financial year began and the UK was adjusting to a life in lockdown, no one could have predicted what was to come over the remains 12 months.
Despite the circumstances, we’ve celebrated some great achievements and couldn’t be prouder of the team here at Karbon who’ve shown amazing resilience and worked hard to support our customers.
We would also like to take the opportunity to thank our customers for their support and patience through what has been a difficult time for everyone. We’ve really valued the understanding and cooperation they have shown as we’ve worked through new and ongoing challenges.
Get involved with the production of next year’s Customer Annual Report
Our involved residents play a big part in the production of this report, helping us to make sure that it’s easy to understand and contains information that is both interesting and useful to know.
Whether it’s helping us produce reports like this one, or working with us to improve our homes and neighbourhoods, there are lots of ways customers can get involved with the work we do at Karbon. Page 20-21 of the report shows some of the projects our involved residents have helped with over the last year, and on page 23 you can see what exciting plans we have coming up to provide customers with even more ways to work with us.
If you’re interested in finding out more about how you can get involved, please get in touch with our customer engagement specialists. Email connectwithkarbon@karbonhomes.co.uk or call 0808 164 0111 and ask to speak to a member of the team.
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