We wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some of the actions we’re taking to become more energy efficient and how you can get involved and build more momentum towards net zero.
What is Net Zero?
Net zero is the world’s answer to stopping climate change.
Net zero means any remaining emissions would be offset by schemes to remove an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases.
We all need to radically reduce our carbon emissions to combat the effects of climate change. Reaching net zero will require many new measures, innovative solutions, aggressive government policies and plenty of human effort both at work and at home.
Source: Net Zero Week: https://netzeroweek.com/

Your climate canny landlord
We’re committed to playing our part in creating a sustainable environment for current and future generations.
This year we’ll be taking the next steps in rolling out our response to climate change, which includes working on energy efficiency measures to hundreds of homes, reducing their impact on the environment and lowering costs to you.
From wall, floor and loft insulation to photovoltaic solar panels and air source heat pumps, the energy saving measures we can add to our homes come in all shapes and sizes.
Thanks to a vital boost in funding from the UK Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation fund, we are set to improve the efficiency of more of our homes, by investing close to £2.5million in a range of energy saving measures over the next 14 months.
We’re also committed to improving the energy performance of our new homes as well. We’ll be designing and building them using modern methods of construction (MMC) from timber framed houses through to modular builds – these are homes that are built in a factory under strict supervision and tight controls and then transported to site.
How you can get involved
We want to bring you along on our Net Zero journey and show how they can benefit from environmental changes and reduce their impact, to make a sustainable environment for current and future generations.
We’ve launched our Customer Environment Group which gives you the opportunity to give feedback on our approach to environmental policies and climate change. The group can check and challenge our performance and services and ensure we are focusing on environmental issues facing our customers.
If you like the sound of our Environment Group and would like to get involved, please contact our Customer and Community Engagement team by emailing connectwithkarbon@karbonhomes.co.uk.
We wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some of the actions we’re taking to become more energy efficient and how you can get involved and build more momentum towards net zero.
What is Net Zero?
Net zero is the world’s answer to stopping climate change.
Net zero means any remaining emissions would be offset by schemes to remove an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases.
We all need to radically reduce our carbon emissions to combat the effects of climate change. Reaching net zero will require many new measures, innovative solutions, aggressive government policies and plenty of human effort both at work and at home.
Source: Net Zero Week: https://netzeroweek.com/
Your climate canny landlord
We’re committed to playing our part in creating a sustainable environment for current and future generations.
This year we’ll be taking the next steps in rolling out our response to climate change, which includes working on energy efficiency measures to hundreds of homes, reducing their impact on the environment and lowering costs to you.
From wall, floor and loft insulation to photovoltaic solar panels and air source heat pumps, the energy saving measures we can add to our homes come in all shapes and sizes.
Thanks to a vital boost in funding from the UK Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation fund, we are set to improve the efficiency of more of our homes, by investing close to £2.5million in a range of energy saving measures over the next 14 months.
We’re also committed to improving the energy performance of our new homes as well. We’ll be designing and building them using modern methods of construction (MMC) from timber framed houses through to modular builds – these are homes that are built in a factory under strict supervision and tight controls and then transported to site.
How you can get involved
We want to bring you along on our Net Zero journey and show how they can benefit from environmental changes and reduce their impact, to make a sustainable environment for current and future generations.
We’ve launched our Customer Environment Group which gives you the opportunity to give feedback on our approach to environmental policies and climate change. The group can check and challenge our performance and services and ensure we are focusing on environmental issues facing our customers.
If you like the sound of our Environment Group and would like to get involved, please contact our Customer and Community Engagement team by emailing connectwithkarbon@karbonhomes.co.uk.
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