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Staying safe: unexpected callers

We just wanted to share a little reminder to our customers to always ask to see identification if someone calls at your door unexpectantly.

Karbon colleagues will always have a form of ID with them. They will be willing to wait whilst you call our freephone number 0808 164 0111 if you want to double-check why they are there.

If in any doubt, always ask the person to leave and don’t let them in your home.

Here’s some useful information from Action Fraud regarding doorstep cold callers / fraudulent tradespeople:

  • Always ask for identification before letting anyone you don't know into your house
  • Take control by asking the questions – ask why are they there and what do they want to do in your home?
  • If you’re suspicious, ask them if you can take their photograph – on your mobile phone, for example? If the person is legitimate, they probably won’t mind
  • Call 999 if you feel threatened or in danger. Call the police non-emergency number 101 if you’re not in immediate danger but want to report an incident.
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