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Supporting people to be as independent as possible

"When you see them achieving their goals it's a great sense of achievement for us and it just makes you so proud."

As soon as you enter Sherringham House you get a great sense of the positive social atmosphere that this supported housing scheme offers. The wall on the entrance is decorated with a whole host of posters advertising a month's worth of events and activities that the staff are putting on for all of the residents, including a knit and natter group, arts and crafts, a walking group and a weekly bingo night.

Sherringham House, based in Kenton, is one of our Supported Housing schemes and has been designed to provide specialist apartments for supported living, allowing people with learning disabilities to live independently with specialist support by north east charity, St Cuthbert’s Care.

We recently visited the scheme to find out more of the stories of some of the residents living there and how they have managed to enjoy their own lives.

As we arrived, we were met by care workers Amanda and Susan who showed us round the scheme and introduced to some of the residents.

Susan told us "We look at their abilities as they are, looking at their likes, dislikes and any goals that they have and develop plans with them." 

A man wearing a flat cap, a white shirt, a bow tie and a waistcoat with a poppy attached to it sitting in a chair.

These plans can help the residents to take the steps to achieve their goals, including Peter who has been able to tend to his love of gardening by putting raised beds in the patio area outside his flat.

A woman wearing glasses and a white and black spotted top sitting in a chair.

Julie has gained 'a new lease of life' because she's able to socialise both in and out of the home, enjoying the communal area as well as popping out to the pub.

A blonde woman with glasses smiling and wearing a blue top and black cardigan.

Gail's passion for football has been rewarded with tickets, kindly donated by the Newcastle United Foundation, to go to St James' Park and watch her beloved Newcastle United.

Gail was visibly joyous about her trip to see the Magpies: "Best moment of my life. I've never had a grin like that on my face for ages."

We visited one of the apartments in Sherringham House, owned by Helen who has been able to decorate it to her taste, including paint the walls in her favourite colour - pink.

Susan said: "There isn't any flat that's the same, they're all different. They've got their own taste and they buy their own furniture. They make the flat how they want it to be basically." 

You can find out more about Sherringham House in this short film we made about the scheme, the St Cuthbert's Care Team and the people who live there:

 If you're interested in receiving some support from our specialised team or feel that you know someone who could benefit from Supported Housing, please contact us by emailing or calling 0808 164 0111.

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