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Our Karbon Way

The Big Get Together

We were delighted to be able to put on the second edition of our annual colleague conference on Thursday 15 June 2023 at the Stadium of Light in Sunderland, for colleagues throughout Karbon Homes.

The conference, or 'The Big Get Together' as we have affectionately named it, is an organisation-wide in-person event bringing all colleagues together to reconnect and hear from our leadership team. The day was a great success complete with guest speakers, interactive workshops and refreshments, as well as a range of activities and stalls to explore such as:

Project stalls showcasing work being done to deliver on our strategic aims, held by internal colleagues.

Wellbeing information stalls and activities led by external experts.

The Dry Duck, our very own non-alcoholic bar to highlight alcohol awareness.

‘In their shoes’ – a room showcasing aids and adaptations and demonstrating how it feels to live with a range of conditions.

Response to Climate Change – updating colleagues on the very latest on our road to Net Zero.

Our response to climate change

We’re committed to playing our part in creating a sustainable environment for current and future generations. 

This year we’ll be taking the next steps in rolling out our response to climate change, which includes working on energy efficiency measures to hundreds of homes, reducing their impact on the environment and lowering costs to you.

We’re also committed to improving the energy performance of our new homes as well. We’ll be designing and building them using modern methods of construction (MMC) from timber framed houses through to modular builds – these are homes that are built in a factory under strict supervision and tight controls and then transported to site.

We’re committed to playing our part in creating a sustainable environment for current and future generations. 

You can find out more about more about some of the work as part of our response to climate change in the following articles:

Our response to climate change

Home improvements

The grass is always greener

Heroes to Zero - our Customer Environment Group

Back to the future proofing

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