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Supported Housing

We’re not just a landlord – we also offer a wide  range of support services to ensure people can live happily and independently in their homes.

Our team are here to help

The Supported Housing Delivery Team works closely with all 4 local authorities in the North-East and their Commissioning Teams

Karbon Homes Delivery Team have been delivering services for over 20 years. We work with individuals to support mental health recovery and prevent recurrent homelessness and to access services to promote mental health and support people to sustain their tenancies. The Supported Housing Delivery Team offers accommodation for a period of up to 2 years and we work towards supporting  individuals to have a permanent home. 

Our team contains:


Team Leaders


Senior Support Workers


Support Workers


Housing Officers


How many people do we currently support?

South Tyneside
Floating Support Newcastle
Floating Support North Tyneside
North Tyneside
Personal Budget Service



people received support in April 23-24


people moved on from our services from April 23-24

Activities within the Supported Housing Delivery Team

Case study

Hear it from a supported housing customer

"Karbon Homes has changed my life! Before I moved into a Karbon home, I used to sleep all day and be up all night because of my mental health; I would just be playing computer games the whole night through. I also used to eat just once a day, and I would never leave my bungalow. At one time, I weighed just 7 and a half stone because my ex partner would never let me eat, the only time I could being at night when she was asleep.

I was in a really dark place before I moved into a Karbon home, but now I eat when I’m supposed to and have a brilliant partner who I love loads and couldn’t be without. My hobbies now include going on long walks, heading over to South Shields with my partner and family, or doing diamond art if I’m bored or it’s raining outside. 

Today, my mental health is in a much better place. It was Karbon Homes who gave my the confidence to do all the things I do today."

- Steven Purves, Supported Housing Customer

What does it involve

Supported Housing Officers

A Supported Housing Officer offers housing management services to the supported housing team tenants to support them to sustain their tenancy. I ensure they have information on how to report repairs and pay their rent. 

I connect people to the correct support services and put referrals in to services they would like to access such as the Foundations for Life Team or Money Matters Team. 

At times tenants may need extra more specialised support and a safeguarding concern may need to be raised to ensure that tenant gets access to the correct services to help. 

My role is very rewarding when I see someone manage in their supported tenancy and then move forward to live in their own permanent home.  

How to refer to our services


Services on offer:

  • Mental Health Floating Support
  • Supported Accommodation

Referrals are sent through using the Newcastle Gateway web system which is where professionals involved with an individual can complete an assessment that is forwarded to relevant providers. 

For more information click HERE.


North Tyneside

Referrals to our Over 25’s and Under 25’s contract are referrals via Gateway at North Tyneside Council. Contact North Tyneside Council directly for referral information.

Referrals to adult social care services - see here.

South Tyneside

Our referral form will need completing and returned to Alice Murray ( along with a current risk assessment. This can be the FACE (functional analysis of care environments) or any other statutory or provider risk information. 

To get in touch click HERE.

Got a question for our Supported Housing Team?

If you have a query about any aspect of Supported Housing, please drop an email to

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