Fix it
Anyone can apply to live in a Karbon home
Put simply, this means you can choose the area you want to live in. Different areas have different systems that you will need to register with, depending on where you want to live. You can register to bid for houses on any of the websites below.
* Sunderland doesn’t operate in a Choice Based Lettings scheme but there is more information on the Council’s website which can help you.
Affordability Assessment
All new and prospective tenants of Karbon Homes are asked to complete our affordability calculator.
You will need to know exact details of your income, such as your current benefit or tax credit payments, or your monthly/ annual income before and after tax. You can find this information on a DWP/ HMRC benefit letter or your P60 or payslip.
I’ve registered with CBL
Once you’ve found a property you want to live, you need to put in a ‘bid’.
A ‘bid’ just means you choose which house you would like to move into and what your needs are – you don’t have to pay any money. Properties are advertised over a number of days in a ‘bidding cycle.’
At the end of the bidding cycle, a shortlist of bidders for each property is produced and we will work our way through this shortlist.
We will then offer the property to the person at the top of the eligibility list. If the first person on the list doesn’t take the property, the next person will be offered it and so on until the property is allocated.
Please note, we don’t currently provide emergency accommodation for homeless people – if you are homeless, you need to contact your local council’s housing solutions team. Other organisations such as Citizens Advice or Shelter provide free independent advice on all housing problems
Read our allocations and lettings policy here.