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MyKarbon Digital Swag Bag

Our strategy

  • Digital Customer Experience Goal: 37% of customer interactions self served by Mar 2026. 
  • Our strategy is to give customers the choice to use a digital services.
  • Self Serve can be easy and convenient for customers, promote satisfaction and improve our efficiency.

Our performance

  • 33.8% of all tenancies have a MyKarbon account 
  • Over £20m online payments made last year 
  • Over 6,000 jobs logged via MyKarbon last year 
  • 23% of all interactions were digitally self served last year 

What can you do?

  • Promote MyKarbon and self serve to our customers 
  • Refer customers who need help with digital services to our Foundations for Life team 
  • Learn more about MyKarbon using our knowledge base on Kore 
  • Share your ideas for self serve digital customer experience 


Check out our MyKarbon knowledge base to find out what MyKarbon can do

Take our short MyKarbon quiz and enter a prize draw

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